Data is king.

And it’s only as useful as the team interpreting it.

Meet the Team

  • Big picture + brass tacks.

    Our team isn’t one to email you a spreadsheet and a note of good luck. With proprietary data visualization tools, we ingest your data and develop it into impactful insights that truly move your business forward. And we offer our one-of-a-kind web-based dashboard for distributor data, all the way down to the SKU level.

  • An insights-driven organization.

    When you work with C.A. insights, every piece of your business gets better. Our work funnels through to make your sales story more compelling to key customers. And we brief our in-house marketing arm on everything they need to know about your key opportunities: from key regions and SKUs to target audience. When your entire organization runs on data, every aspect gets sharper and more efficient.