A Day in the Life with Colin Onak

A day in the life with Colin Onak

Hi! I’m Colin Onak, Category Analyst at C.A. Fortune. I started in April 2023, and I love being in a role that highlights my strengths. I’m learning so much about the CPG industry every day and it’s been an overall great experience. I’m in the office a few days a week, and generally try to follow a routine, although every day is a new adventure. Here is my typical office day in the life as a Category Analyst! 

I live in Wrigleyville and take the Red Line to the Loop on Tuesdays and Thursdays. From there, I walk to the West Loop. Overall, a 40-minute commute but it gives me time to align myself for the day. 

I get to the office around 7:30-7:45 a.m. and catch up with my team. I’m a morning person so always love chatting first thing. I grab a cup of coffee from our cold brew dispenser (a personal favorite of mine) and am officially ready to start my working day. 

I first go through all my emails and Teams messages. From there, I create a personal to-do list and start chipping away at the list while listening to some of my favorite music – classic rock from the 70s, house, indie, and pop music. I generally work independently until around noon when I head to the kitchen to eat my lunch. 

I usually bring my lunch from home and like to nibble on samples from clients. I like to eat on the newly renovated rooftop patio when it’s nice out and usually take a walk to stretch my legs before heading back to work. 

I like to fill my afternoons with meetings to get in some collaboration. I meet with team members and Sales Development Managers (SDM) via Teams or in person for category review prep. I’m taking the lead on a category review in September and working on more advanced projects has been very enjoyable. On Thursdays, there is a training on AIP/Nielsen during Insights office hours.  

After my meetings, I finish the rest of my day-to-day and work on different projects. I usually leave around 4 p.m. and head to the “L” to go home! After work, I like to hit the gym and hang out with friends. 

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